when the power was out

So, the rain has stopped, for a while, anyway. Due to the fact we haven’t had much rain around here lately, we didn’t get flooded – even though it rained ALL night, our neighbor’s front yard wasn’t flooded (and it always floods when we get a lot of rain – the front part of his yard is very low, kids used to go swimming in it after a rain). I guess the ground is just soaking it up.

Our power is out at home – it was on when I got up this morning and while I got ready, it went off about 20 minutes before I left the house. I hate that, because that means I have to open and close the garage door manually – and that sucker is heavy! And since the power is off at home – that means the power was off at the gas station nearby. ARGH. The next one is too far away (yay for the country) so I wasn’t sure what I would do… I don’t even know if the power being off would effect being able to get gas, but I was saved! Kristie came out to get my big box (I’m shipping everything for Dragoncon to Atlanta today – the big box doesn’t fit in my car), so I just rode with her, and just figure out how to get home later.

Well, I lucked out – power was off at dad’s office, so he got to leave. He said he’d come pick me up this afternoon, and take me to Hobby Lobby 🙂 Yay. (I need a rose and an apple! For Belle and Snow White 🙂

Not too slammed at work today, though… I was pleasantly surprised to discover that while I was in class yesterday, everybody packed everything for today and sent it yesterday. So, things are OK. Except we think the New Orleans office is, um, gone. yikes.

Tomorrow = sunny! I wish the power would stay off in midtown, maybe I wouldn’t have to go to class… 🙂

Tonight, got to put the zipper in stitch, and pack my suitcases. Finish getting the discs for the camera ready.

And then… worry. I swear, I’ve done so much worrying about this trip, I’m surprised I haven’t broken out, or my ulcer start hurting again, or… I dunno, my hair fall out or something. I’ve never had so many things threaten my flight/trip before. Strikes, Katrina… what’s next…